Friday, May 24, 2013
Dear Gene and family, We are so sorry to hear about Shirleys' passing, but we are sure that she is finally out of her pain and she is walking those streets of gold. Shirley wasn't only a good wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, aunt and sister - in -law, but also a great friend. If she was your friend today she was your friend for life. She didn't have it real easy when she was younger just like you and us, but she had love. That was the most important thing in her life. The love that you gave her and the love of her children. We hope and pray that the good lord above lays his hands on you and the family and lifts you up and lets you know that she is alright and that she is with him. If any of you need anything don't be afraid to call us and we will do what we can for you all.
With Love To All,
Donna, Larry, & Larry Jr.