Saturday, February 11, 2012
It seems so unfair that death should hold the power over us to take someone away that you love. Even though many of us have a strong faith, it doesn't make it any easier to think that we won't be able to talk and laugh with and hug this person. The Bible holds out a hope for us that I personally have found to be a comfort. I especially love the scripture found at John 5:28,29 that says, " Do not marvel at this because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear Jesus' voice and come out." Jesus promises that millions now dead will again live on this earth, and have the prospect of remaining on it forever under peaceful conditions. Most have all prayed for that time when they say the Lords prayer, "Our Father in Heaven let your Kingdom come ....also upon the EARTH....." I find that to be so comforting, and I hope your family does as well. I hope that during this difficult time you can rely on God, who can give us the "power beyond what is normal"(2 Corinth 4:7) just to get through from one day to the next. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this time.