I am saddened at the loss of a beautiful and talented lady. I have known Judy all of my life. She is one of the first cousins I can remember as a child. I had others but Judy was the only one that was mentioned on a regular basis. I have the pictures of her as a little girl that her Grandmother Lucy (my Aunt) sent to us. I pray God's richest blessings on the family as they go through the greiving process. She will always be with you as you recall the good times you had with her.
I am sorry for your lost.May God give yous Peace in the next few weeks to come as you morn the lost of your love one. just know she in Gods hands now the best place to be.
Judy was a beautiful lady and a very talented artist.I got to visit with Judy the day before she went home to her heavenly Father.I told her how everyone who visits our home comments on the beautiful picture she painted for Kenny and I in 2010.She was pleased to hear that.Margie Michaels and I got to visit with her and have prayer with her.I am so thankful that we got to talk to her.Our prayers go out to all her loving family especially Ray.Just think of her going on vacation and someday soon we will all join her and have a grand reunion with all our families and our Precious Lord and Savior.God Bless you all. Love and Prayers, Kenny and Edie Paugh