Monday, December 10, 2012
Dear Family, it is with a mix of sadness and joy that I send this message of love. Sadness, because we no longer can banter with Bob to the point where he fills the room with his laughter. Sadness that his bright, twinkling eye will wink our way no more. Sadness, that his strong arms will no longer hug each of us with warm greetings. But, despite all of the sadness, we have much to celebrate and be joyful over. My children and I celebrate the many evenings we have spent with Bob and you. We are blessed to have known such a kind and giving man. We celebrate his freedom from pain and great worry. I give thanks to an amazing God who has led our lives to a place where we crossed the path and journeyed for a time with Robert L. Heginbotham. We forever will treasure his memory. We lift our prayers for you, Donna, Bruce, and Scott as you begin this holiday season.