I was so sorry to hear about Bus passing.I remember all those good tasty sweet fattening finger licking cinnamon rolls and all the other juicy desserts he would bring down to the post office and town hall in Kitzmiller.He enjoyed sharing all the good foods he prepared.He was a very nice guy.I am sure he will be missed very much.I know we missed him after he wasn't able to come down and chat with us.yeah we liked all the goodies but we also liked the chats he had some very interesting stories to tell.He's at peace now I am sure.I know someday we will all get together for some interesting chats but I wonder????Will we get some of those goodies?I sure hope the Lord lets us enjoy some of those delicious foods.You are all in our prayers Donnie and family.Bob and family.God Be with you all and wrap his loving arms around you and help you in your sorrow.